Rules for the VYB community:
- Always keep to the purpose of the group, don’t share irrelevant messages about other topics.
- Please avoid sharing memes, adverts or deals
- At any point, if you want to leave the group, kindly notify admin (Charity) via a private message
- Please refrain from using vulgar and offensive language in this platform
- Feel free to send the admin (Charity) a private message with any concerns
- Let’s be respectful, loving and considerate of one another
- PLEASE NOTE: before posting any content (as in videos, voice messages or any other publications that are NOT YOUR OWN) please send me a private message with the intended content for approval.*
- Remember that Christ is the center of this community and so all things revolves around Him
Thank you for keeping and abiding by these rules.
With love,
Mrs. Charity Umar