Style Idea: Comfortable Sunday Wear

 So I really love any form of headgear. I love scarves, also hats. Headgear are a part of scripture that the church I belong to (Deeper Life Bible Church) practice whenever praying or attend church as Ladies. See 1 Corinthians 11: 5,6. The title of this post: “Comfortable Sunday Wear” means exactly what it says. I feel that everyone’s got to have a comfortable piece of clothing in their closet. One that when you’ve woken up late, can grab in 5 minutes or less and still maintain modesty and style. The skirt below has to be my definite ‘comfortable’ piece of clothing. It is long, which I LOVE! The color is neutral; therefore, I can add anything to top it off and it would work just fine. 
Another item that I feel everyone should have both male and female is a nice, simple blazer. Blazers are really great. I always say that it brings ‘life’ to anything a person wears. It can be thrown over virtually anything and it holds an outfit together nicely. I’ve got a few but my fave has got to be this black one worn below. 
It is simply awesome. 🙂


Animal (head scarf)
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God bless,