Style Idea: Casual, Yet Classy Wear

Does the picture on the left look slightly familiar? 😉 Truth is, it is the same photo displayed on a previous post.

I wore this put-together to church; however, I believe it may be worn to any event really. In fact, I think I wore this to a family gathering of some sort other than to church. 

How about this, complete a look of your own with similar colors and prints (animal: shoes) and let me know how ya’ like it! (Guys are also invited to try this out!) :-]

Would love to see the results of what ya’ come up with!

Modesty is BEAUTIFUL; especially when it is acknowledged and practiced with a contrite and Willing heart. It is pleasing in God’s eyes knowing that you only seek to attract His attention. ðŸ˜‰

God bless You!
