My Weekly Inspirations – 4


“But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:” Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ 

This week, I was inspired by this verse of scripture above. Our present generation is one that is full of false, unbiblical doctrines. However I am challenged to ensure that I am living according to the doctrine of the scriptures that is unbroken and unadulterated. 

To ‘speak’ something is firstly to have read or heard the information and then allowed such information to sink into the depths of the heart and mind so as to be able to effectively communicate it. 

“Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I pray for grace to read, meditate, speak and live practically the doctrine of the Word of God. 

This is the biblical doctrinal truths that I believe.


I was recently reflecting on my modesty journey. I truly thank God for His grace that has enabled me to uphold his standard of dress through which others are inspired. Till date, I am learning more and more to be sensitive to the Spirit of God and to trust His leading in how I dress. 

Modesty requires consistency as that is the true nature of its Author. From season to season and year to year, a truly modest woman from the inside out must not change – the principles that govern our modesty lifestyle must stem from the Word of God. I pray for more of God’s grace to flourish in modesty within and out, that the beauty of Jesus may shine through me to the glory of God. 

“For I am the Lord, I change not…”- Malachi 3:6

My shoes

My skirt


Marriage is great; there are many things to learn about each other and the institution itself! The secret to a continually successful marriage is to keep the Manufacturer (God) and Manual (The Holy Bible) on hand and follow its precepts, with that, all things are possible and your marriage will be a beautiful, bountiful and blessed one! 

Personally, I am constantly going back to the Father – “Lord help me to be the wife you’ve called and designed me to be!” There are humbling moments that demand a heavenly call to the Father who is our Helper. Ultimately, the beauty of it all is being married to a fellow believer. As a result, the Word of God is our final authority and we are both yielded to its precepts which when applied produces peace and continual overflow of love. 


Since my son was born I have enjoyed the presence of my husband maneuvering his stroller in and out of the car as we go out and about. I knew that I had to be prepared to handle the stroller on my own at some point. The other day, I was on my own! Our son’s stroller is one that converts to a car seat and it requires some learning. I made sure that I knew how to do it properly with my husband’s coaching and practice. 

I am happy to say that the other day I successfully collapsed and released the stroller and car seat accordingly and was so proud of myself! The stroller/carseat combo is truly amazing. It is not bulky and we don’t have to deal with separate pieces – it is all encompassing. This Stroller and carseat combo meets our safety needs during our travels with our children.

In over two years of being a mother, I have come to understand that motherhood is a divinely unique journey! This season of life is truly making me to realize just how much I am capable of. When my daughter was born, I received a level of grace to care for her and now with our son, a new level of grace has been given from above! I can’t tell you that there aren’t challenges; however, the grace of God truly sufficient. 

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


Natural hair

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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️