Modesty: The Attitude of a Regenerated Heart

What does
it mean to be BORN AGAIN and stand up for Jesus not only your heart, but
in your dress?
It starts
from the story of Jesus Christ: the greatest love story ever told to humanity!
John 3:16

God gave
mankind His ONE and ONLY son to give us LIFE. We were dead, lost forever; but
His Son’s obedience unto death gave us another chance at Life. Jesus Christ being
nailed onto the cross revealed to us of His Father’s LOVE for HUMANITY, and His
desperate NEED to reconcile with us. Who were we? But HE counted us worthy! By
the demise of His Son, we came to know the LIGHT. The LIGHT exposed our
deadness in sin. Our garment stained with crimson sin were washed and cleansed
by the blood of God’s Son, JESUS. The BLOOD inexplicably resurrected us unto
LIFE. Our eyes now opened beheld that forgiveness we received, Eternal LIFE our
hope of Glory.
Does the
story end there? No.
You see,
when we go on our knees and make the greatest decision of our lives to accept
the love of God through the death of His Son Jesus, we by faith have become
dead to our old life; we are now NEW CREATURES in the eyes of God. For behold
old thing have passed ALL things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17); we have
been regenerated by the transforming power of God’s Word. Our past sins have
been erased, forever GONE by the precious blood of Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ from that moment becomes the AUTHOR of our life. He
dictates our every move. (Galatians 2:20).  
Yet, the
story doesn’t end there …
God then
calls us to a life of total SEPARATION from the world unto Himself. As He says
“love NOT the world neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15;2 Corinthians 6:17) Our interests, desires, passions, OUTWARD
APPEARANCE must be in complete conformity to the will of God. Remember that we
have been CRUCIFIED with Christ. Dead to what we want and hungry for whom He is,
and what HE WANTS. When Jesus was crucified on the cross He died.
So also must we die to our old nature inside that
the holiness of God may take its position in our lives and beautify us from
within AND without.
I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living
, holy,
acceptable unto God
which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of
God.-Romans 12:1,2
The good,
acceptable, and perfect will of God is for ALL CHRISTIANS to glorify God in ALL
we do, especially in our dressing. Our appearance is the FIRST thing that
people see and judge us on when they meet us. Consequently, Jesus Christ that
lives within us must be allowed to prescribe for us holy garments for the
OUTWARD so that he may be seen physically ON us and not just hidden on the
In the
beginning God created both male and female in his own image. When God fashioned
Eve, she was perfectly made; nothing else was added to her to
quote on quote “step UP her game.”
Before she
met Adam the Bible didn’t record that she further adorned herself with make-up,
jewelry, hair extensions to make Adam attracted to her. Her natural
that had been freshly created by God took the breath of Adam
away when he first laid eyes on her!
Our body
is the Temple of God 
(1 Corinthians 6:19,20). We came into the world naked. We came in
totally absent of pierced ears, tattoos, and artificial objects of “beauty.”
Yet as we grow, we begin to introduce many “add-ons” to our
physical bodies that we did come into the world with at the moment of birth. “All
we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his (her) own
way…”-Isaiah 53:6
Today, God is calling ALL CHRISTIAN WOMEN to repentance
in the area of our physicality! He requests for us to embrace the Natural
that He has given us. Because God didn’t make any mistakes; when He makes
something, it is final – no remakes. Your body decked with the artificial ‘make-up’
of the world removes his glory ENTIRELY from you as His child. 

All these ‘extras’
are devilish inventions the enemy has blindfolded us to indulge in.
This is
not to be taken lightly! God is calling us to Modesty, lovingly, politely. He
wants us to be POLISHED, cleansed of the IDOLS of earrings, make-up, jewelry,
trousers, artificial hair, tattoo, immodest apparel, etc. of the World.
beauty and our glory established upon us Naturally
are a spitting image of our maker – GOD (see Genesis 1:27 ). Accept
yourself as you are. You are not an accident in God’s creation. Accept your
nose, eyeball, height, stature, shape, hair, ear and complexion the way God mad
them. You are unique, wonderful and fearfully made!
You may
say we live in 2013, how do we make sense of the fashion of the bible from God in
this modern society? 
13:8 says Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever. “For I am the Lord, I change not…”-Malachi 3:6 So
we must OBEY. 
God is
calling us ladies to Modesty! 
We no
longer can believe that outward appearance doesn’t matter to God! 
As someone
puts it “when you wash a plate, you don’t only wash the inside. You wash
the outside as well so that that plate will be presentable.” 
If we say
that Jesus Christ lives in our hearts yet we fail to portray that conviction in
our outward appearance, how will other people discern between those of God
and those who aren’t?

understanding can only come from the INSIDE OUT. One must be BORN AGAIN,
purified to receive Gods LIGHT and no longer DOUBT. 
If we are
clean internally, His Light from within should transcend to our physical being
that the beauty of the Lord our God
may be upon us! After which beauty, it will not be the carbon copy image of
worldly fashions that people will see on us, but the outstanding peculiarity
that only lies in Jesus Christ will be seen in US!

May we permit the beauty of the Lord to be upon us internally and externally!
God bless,
-Charity and Co-writer my sister Janet