Modesty: A Woman’s Crowning Glory – Her Hair

(This post is NOT for all. It is specific to the SAVED – meaning a female who has had a transformation of heart by the word of God. I pray this message moves you toward the next level in your walk with the Lord. I pray that the Lord will minister to your heart through this post and grant you the gift of total SANCTIFICATION (being set apart unto the Lord) to live a HOLY life to the Lord from within AND without in Jesus’ name.)

Majority of people limit ‘Modesty’ only to a woman’s apparel. However, the Bible addresses modesty in a holistic manner. The Bible’s description of modesty talks not only of a woman’s apparel but of her adornment, as well as the way she styles her hair. In addressing a woman’s hair the bible says “whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair (1 Peter 3:3); “…not with broided hair” (1 Timothy 2:9). The Bible is not saying that we should not style our hair; rather the point it is emphasizing is that our hairstyles as women should be simple. No extravagance. We should not seek to draw attention to the kind of hairstyle that we do. We should not follow the latest hairstyles just to fit into this corrupt society. The simpler our hairstyle the more the glory of God will shine through. People will be attracted to our simplistic hairstyle because God’s glory is attractive.

“My hair is too hard,” “it is too nappy” “it is too difficult to manage” etc are just some of the excuses that many women of the African descent say about their hair. Even though the Bible doesn’t give us specific instructions as to how to care for our type or any other type of hair, that reason should not facilitate excuses to result to ‘cheap’ solutions of relaxing our hair and adding artificial hair to our head. The Bible says “Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:”-Jeremiah 32:17. If we are confident in the God that we serve and we believe that there is nothing too hard for Him to do in our lives, then it is our responsibility to go back to Him and ask Him for instructions as to HOW to take care of our highly textured hair. Wasn’t He the one who gave us our hair? Will He not have answers? Yes, He will. 

The problem with any type of artificial hair is that it becomes a great idol in our lives because we can’t do away with it. I know of women who have been relaxing and wearing fake hair for so long that they don’t even know how their natural hair looks like! It also makes us hypocrites because we don’t show ourselves as we were created in the world. We paint an acceptable image that the people of the world will approve of which makes God to be displeased with us; because as His temple, we have chosen to decorate ourselves with the things of the world which darkness He has called us out of. By using weaves and hair extensions we bluntly tell Him that we are not in agreement with the hair He has given us and so we will use the man-made one to show Him how He ought to have made our hair and to gain a more ‘appealing’ and self-satisfying look. Isn’t that selfishness? Have we really been crucified with Christ as Paul writes in Galatians 2:20?

Our fleshly will and desires must be crucified with Christ so that His perfect will may easily flow through us and dictate our lifestyle. Relaxing and applying fake hair makes us to become unsatisfied for what God has given us naturally. We become so blinded and attached to them in so much that it prevents us from actually appreciating the hair that God Himself crafted for us with His beautiful hands! Other than the fact that artificial hair becomes idol in our lives and make us hypocrites keeping us from being fully accepted by God in our service to Him, it also destroys our hair! I have seen sad stories of women scarred with lasting effects of weaves and hair attachment. God is wise. He knew of all these things ahead of time and that is why in His infinite wisdom He gave us all hair so that we will not be attracted to the devil’s imitation of His perfect creation. Let us be also wise and be not deceived!

So, do you embrace the natural texture of the hair God gave you, or are you fond of attaching weaves and hair extensions to your head? Are you ashamed of the texture of hair that God gave you? Would you rather straighten it with chemicals or attach fake straight hair because that is more socially acceptable? Who are you serving, God or man? If God approves of you what does it matter if man doesn’t? Just so you know, these artificial hairs that some Christian women put on as their hair are possessions and inventions of the devil to draw women to hell. Therefore when you as a Christian use such objects of the devil, you have become a candidate of his kingdom! Be ware. I once again repeat that God is wise. He gave everybody hair, and if He didn’t give you hair being bald is His will for your life and you must appreciate that, too. It is a great insult to Him when we destroy the hair He gave us by using chemicals to straighten it and by applying devils hair to His temple. Having trouble with accepting your hair as God gave you? 

The Bible says a woman’s hair is her glory. When you replace your hair with the hair that you bought from the beauty supply store don’t you know that you have allowed the devil to buy your glory and has substituted it with his ugliness and has made you one of his? My dear sister, the glory of God cannot be bought with man’s money. It is given to us free of charge. Start over! Get rid of the filth of fake hair and cut off the relaxed hair and start over! God is such a good God. After we have damaged the hair he gave us if we wish He has mercy on us by allowing the hair to grow back; beautiful roots of His glory begins to sprout once again. He gives us another chance to receive the glory once given to us just as He does as he saves a wretched soul that was once damned for hell! He ultimately gives us another chance to life! 

Here is the Command: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”-1 Corinthians 6:19,20. There was a price that was paid for your Salvation, and THAT price was the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST that was shed for the remission of our sins. One man had to shed blood and die so that you and I can be qualified for entering into God’s Kingdom. The price was free but certainly NOT cheap. Because of this, our body is NO LONGER ours. It is God’s. It has now become His TEMPLE and it is an INSULT to Him for anyone to decorate His holy TEMPLE with the idols of the world. Therefore you cannot paint your body various colors. Your natural beauty is perfect and BEAUTIFUL; value yourself as God created you! He is a PERFECT creator and definitely did not make a hint of mistake in creating you!

This afternoon God is calling you to newness of life concerning your hair, my sister. As a child of God what business do you have with artificial hair? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people”-2 Corinthians 6:15,16. God desires to dwell fully in you as His temple. Stop blocking His glory from entering into your life by using tools of the enemy. Start over if you must! He is faithful and will not reject you if you run to Him with a meek and contrite heart.

May we be delivered from the devices of the Devil geared toward us women in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Be blessed!