Inner Beauty: “Identity Crisis” – Who Are You?

(Reflections from USA DLBC Queens Youth and Young Adult Conference)

Who are you? That is a legitimate question that requires an honest and thorough answer from you and I. We live in a world in which many people don’t know who they are – their identities are buried in things, people and objects. Who are you? Not where you come from, not who your parents or siblings are, not the job that you do, not your career, WHO ARE YOU? Who you are is your core, the very foundation, what you as an individual are made of – not a product of you.

For me, I became knowledgeable of who I am when I gave my life to Jesus Christ some years ago. Before then, I had an identity crisis – not knowing who I was or where I fit in society. But through Jesus I have found my identity. Through Jesus I have an understanding of who I am in this world. 

My name is Charity Boadi – I a born-again Christian: my sins have been confessed and forgiven by Jesus Christ. I live a pure life by His grace and the holy Spirit guides me in my decision making. 

I am a disciple of Jesus ChristI am a student of Jesus. I learn of Him, his ways and character which influences and becomes tangible in my life as I meditate on his Word. 

I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ: I owe the world the love of Jesus. I share the gospel to others when the opportunity presents itself. I further represent Christ in my character, work, dressing, and relations.

As children of God, people who have acknowledged their sins, confessed it, have been forgiven and are now living a pure life, the bible says in 1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” Having trouble with finding who you are? You can discover that in Jesus. Come to the family of God! You are always welcome.

Jesus Christ is my identity and what a wonderful identity that is! He is unchanging, true, and trustworthy. Through Jesus Christ I am a chosen generation – I am seen and specially selected and privileged by God in the world. I am a royal priesthood – I belong to the royal family of God, I am a co-heir of the inheritance of heaven. I am a holy nation: I have been cleansed of my sins and been made holy by the grace of God. I am peculiar – I am unique in every way. The grace and gifts of God are abundant in my life. As I recognize the aforementioned qualities of who I am in Christ, my responsibility is to show forth the praise, goodness, love, kindness of God who has called me out of darkness and into his marvellous light – I must allow the beautiful light of God to shine through me and all I do. 

My identity is not in earthly things that fleet away – my identity is not in my hair, face, or body. My identity is inside of me; my identity is in Jesus Christ the eternal and everlasting King, who was and is and is to come!

Who are you?
Outfit Breakdown:
Top– Kohls
Inside Tank– Kohls
Skirt: Macy’s
Foot Wear: Payless Shoe Source
Hat: bought from church member

#IKnowWhoIAm #IamLovedbyaGreatGod #IamSpecial #IamExtraordinary #JesusisMyConfidence #ModestyisStandingOutforChrist #GodlyModesty #Modesty

Be challenged!