Curly Hair: Versatile, Low Maintenance, Long-Lasting Style

Style: Two-Strand Twists

Product Used: Home-made Shea Butter Mix

  • 100African Raw Shea Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil
Place/s of Ingredients Purchase:
  • Shea Butter- sent from Ghana, my home-land; however may purchase it here in the States at any African Market or where-ever it may be sold 🙂 
  • Coconut/olive oil– local grocery store
Eye-balled measurements; but if prefer, may measure the oils and butter for precision

  • 100African Raw Shea Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Plastic Bowl
  • Hand-Mixer
  • Measuring Cups/Spoons (optional)
  • Plastic Spoon
  • Small-Medium Storage Container
  • Most important God-given material: Your Hands/Fingers! 🙂    

  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. 
  2. Mix with hand-mixer until no chunks of Shea butter is visible. 
  3. Pour butter using plastic spoon into storage container and store in room temperature.
  4. Check back an hour or two later.

End Result
You’ve got yourself a fluffy, ‘twists-friendly’ hair cream!
Happy Twisting! 🙂

How To Twist:

  • Use a comb or fingers to carefully part a section of hair–small-medium size; however big a section one prefers 
  • Comb through with wide-tooth comb for tangle free hair
  • Apply about a quarter-sized amount of Shea mix to the section of hair 
  • Separate that piece of hair into two halves 
  • Begin twisting; gently intertwine each half with the other starting from the roots
  • Continue until the section of hair resembles the photo above
  • Follow the same procedure for the entire head

Twisting Level of Difficulty:
Fairly Easy

Amount of time Spent:
Depending on how large or how small sections are will determine length of time spent. However, the above took about 3-hours and a little bit and the sections were approximately medium-sized.

Long-lasting of Twists:
3 weeks and longer

Other Styles Achieved with this Style:
  • Pinned Twists
  • Twist-Out

Quick Note: Pinned Twists and Twist-Out will be further discussed in upcoming posts.

*Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please leave them in the comment box provided below* 
Thank you.

God bless,