A New and Glorious Dawn: Happy New Year!

Happy new year to you, reader! I am glad to be alive and to have the opportunity to share this first post of the year 2016 with you. How has your year been thus far? As for me, the Lord has started the year 2016 off amazingly with me! 

He has opened a door for me to receive my first employment as a registered nurse. As a registered nurse I play many roles some of which include a leader, supervisor, manager, coordinator, advocate, and much more! 

I am consistently in awe of the this new status that the Lord has elevated me to. I am so humbled and filled with joy for this new phase of my life. I have come to truly understand that God is faithful to His own. 

My song and word of exaltation to my God is this:

“My soul magnifies and exalts the Lord,

And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

“For He has looked [with loving care] on the humble state of His maidservant;

For behold, from now on all generations will count me blessed and happy and favored by God!

“For He who is mighty has done great things for me;

And holy is His name [to be worshiped in His purity, majesty, and glory].”-Luke 1:46-49 AMP

The Lord has made me a wonder unto many (Psalm 71:7). That which I didn’t deserve is what God has given me. Some people look at my life and are amazed at the person I have become through Christ, and the path so bright he has laid before me. That is what God can do in and through us as we surrender unto Him! Hereon, I will expect nothing less than greatness as I have chosen to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of my faith.
Do you desire such a blessing? Have you decided for Christ yet? It is not too late. Why don’t you make it your goal this year to try this ‘Jesus thing.’ This trial will not hurt. Will you leave the world and cleave to the One who is so in love with your soul, and has the ability to give you much more than all that you need in this life and in eternity? I pray that you will make the wisest choice!

Outfit breakdown
Hat- Store in NJ
Gray and black Jacket- Gift
High neck sleeveless insert- Macy’s

Pleated Skirt- Burlington
Shoes- Sears online
Bag- Gift

Have a blessed weekend!